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創新聯合科技是一家以電子標籤研發為根基的公司。技術團隊在短短數年之內,所研發出之專用電子標籤超過50種之多- 從醫療看護到人員管理,從生產流程管理到資產與庫存管理。以工業4.0應用為目標不停地前進與努力。運用創新的思維與強力的研發去滿足真實世界中,客戶各式各樣需求。

Read Tag Technology Corp. (RTT) is the leading company of RFID tag design in Taiwan. There are over 50 different dedicated tags developed by RTT's R&D team in the past few years. From medical care, personnel, asset to production line management.

By the central goal of Industry 4.0, RTT is moving forward by using creativity and powerful R&D capabilities to fulfill customers' requirement and assist our customer in stepping into Industry 4.0 gradually.